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Mi4/MIS Monthly Mtg
June 11th from 2-4 PM PST
Join us for our virtual meeting led by Dr. Anthony Chang and Sharief Taraman. This is a great opportunity to network and connect with experts in AI in innovation.
AI in Medicine
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
MIS & Medical Intelligence
Dr. Anthony Chang
Tip of the Month
Talk Title: "AI Agents"
Dr. Robert Hoyt
Intelligence Speaker
Talk Title: “AI App Commons: Bench to Bedside"
Dr. Timothy Chou
Medical Innovation
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Medical Innovation Updates
Dr. Sharief Taraman
Innovation Speakers
Talk Title: “Building a MedTech Ecosystem and Supporting MedTech Startups"
Bill Carpou
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